Skin Care


A problem common in teenage, this may persist in some for longer periods of time. It is a source of anguish to many as it often leaves behind unsightly blemishes and scars . Hence early treatment is advocated to avoid these potential complications that may arise.

  • Acne can be brought under control even if the problem is severe.
  • Early treatment is better.
  • The marks that it leaves can also be effectively treated.

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Scars comes in different shapes and sizes- but we hate them all!. Each scar has to be analyzed to decide the appropriate treatment, this will ensure optimum results. In some cases a combination of treatments or multiple sessions of treatment will have to be planned to improve the appearance of the scar.

  • Caused by different reasons like accidents, scratches, chicken-pox, pimples etc.
  • Individualized treatment is necessary.
  • Definite improvement in overall look or appearance of the scar can be noticed.

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Ear lobes may get elongated by use of heavy earrings or accidental tears. This can be restored to its original pin-point size by surgery which is done under local anesthesia. Heavy earrings must be avoided up to 3 weeks after surgery.

  • Round hole shape is lost and becomes linear.
  • Surgically correctable with good cosmetic result.

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Wrinkles are initially very fine and may be noticed only on close observation, but later tend to be so prominent in some that they may even alter the look of a person!. So a person may seem angry or sad though he/she doesn’t actually feel so!! Such unwanted expression lines can be erased away by tiny injections that leave your face looking much brighter and happier.

  • Early treatment will prevent wrinkles from developing into deep-set lines on the face.
  • The tiny injections are virtually painless and certainly worth the trouble!.

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As we age, the skin, complexion and muscles tend to become slack, and skin seems to lose its smoothness and glow. These changes occur slowly over a period of time and contribute to an aged look. By correcting these age related changes we can restore the glow, and keep others guessing your age.

  • Aging process can affect the skin.
  • Individualized treatment is necessary based on the changes noted on the skin.

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No man is perfect…so is the face! At times, small changes in the shapes of the cheeks or lips can add/mar the beauty of the face. Thin lips can be made bold and beautiful, hollowed cheeks can be plumped up and noses straightened to achieve the perfect look. Each face would need to be analyzed to see how best its features could be improved / changed to suit the individual.

  • Change in the shape of a particular part of the face is possible.
  • Small changes can contribute to the beauty of a face.

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DARK PATCHES & Uneven tone

Patches of skin may become dark in some individuals. These give the skin a dull and unhealthy complexion. These dark patches have to be analyzed to find the cause so that they can be suitably treated.

  • Patches can give an uneven tone to the skin.
  • Uniformity of skin colour and texture are desirable.
  • An even skin tone and brightness contribute to an attractive personality.



Loss of the colour of the skin gives rise to white patches. After finding the cause, treatment is aimed at restoring the colour with either with the help of creams or by surgical methods. Surgery helps in early restoration of the colour.

  • White patches cause a lot of stress.
  • They are treatable both in the young as well as older age group.

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Allergy Treatments


Some people have skin that erupts into a rash with even minor changes in weather. The use of cosmetics may worsen any such rash. Sensitive skin has to be dealt with care and only products that are especially suited for such skin types should be used.

  • Itching and rash recurrently.
  • May progress/worsen if not maintained properly.

Any redness on the skin is commonly called a rash. This may be seen with some viral infections or as a side effect of some medicines or even following use of some creams and cosmetics. Whatever be the rash, a consultation with the doctor is a must to determine its cause.

  • Red skin with itching.
  • Some require immediate treatment.

Allergies can be varied. Some may develop allergy to food products; this can give rise to a sudden itching and redness of the skin. Such a condition may persist in some. Not only food products, even substances that come in contact with the skin have a possibility of giving rise to an allergy.

  • Varied causes.
  • Identification and avoidance of allergen is important.